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Neglected Pets

Neglected Pets

Watercolor Series


"Compassion to animals is so closely connected with goodness of the character that we can confidently say that there can not be a good person who is cruel to animals"

Arthur Schopenhauer

Artist Statement

          This body of work based on the topic of animal welfare but more specifically focused on the neglect of common pets such as dogs, cats and birds. I have thoroughly researched animal abuse and found many forms of subtle and deliberate abuse of animals that still continues today. Some types of abuse such as dog fighting, tethering and animal circuses have been regulated and controlled; however, it is needless to say that all three forms of abuse still happen. Other forms of abuse such as animal experimentation, live animal transportation, slaughterhouses, horse racing and bullfighting are not entirely seen as abuse by the public and that limits the level of restrictions or laws against them.

          While researching artworks done on animal welfare, I took inspiration from artists like Sunaura Taylor and Gale Hart that portray heavy emotion, gruesome and graphic physical pain in their work that I have implemented in my series. After creating various studies of dogs in unpleasant settings that capture the raw discomfort and hostile state of the animal, I moved onto large paper and transferred the emotion from the small sketches to blown up versions of them.

          I have done profound research on this topic and I have come to the conclusion that it is not a common theme in major art exhibitions. Therefore, I want to use my art to bring more awareness and eventually ban any form of animal abuse. This series is only a starting point to what will become a continuous topic in my art career. I love creating artwork for aesthetic purposes, but I find more pleasure in making artwork that could potentially change the way animals are viewed and treated and allow me to leave a positive mark in the world.

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